terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009

Lucky Number - John Milne

Número da Sorte
Charlie não vai à escola. Ele trabalha o dia todo. Charlie engraxa sapatos no Café Colombo. Charlie quer ser rico. Ele quer sentar no Café Colombo e tomar café.

Um comentário:

  1. Nome:Beatriz Freire Grossi
    Horário:Terça e Quinta-8:00 ás 8:30

    This book is very interesting because tells about a boy who doesn't study,just work of shoemarker is what one day polish the shoes of one mam who lost ticket and the boy take for his house.His mother check the number and saw that he has won.He is white,he has brown short hair.He has browm eyes,he is wearing skirt and a pair of jeans.
