terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009

A Haunted House - Victoria Keller

Uma Casa Assombrada
Texto para a ampliação do vocabulário e entendimento.

4 comentários:

  1. Marina Corrêa de Sousa
    8:00 to 8:50

    A Haunted House
    A Casa Mal Assombrada

    this book is very interesting because it tells about a haunted house, who live in this house are dead slaves and those slaves who cry at night, an old witch who lives there. The house is a house badly haunted very scary that everyone is afraid because the night.
    I recomend this book to all people who like suspense and drama.
    The journalist has a short wave brown, straigh hair he's white skin, he's has brouwn eyes.

  2. Full name: Lucas Gabriel Santos Mota
    Schedulle: 9:00 às 9:50

    I liked book.My favorite characther are two reporters in French.They were curious,and one evening ,after they come back to house, they went to the old house.A curious their turned a frigtening story about the Haunted House.The weather was cold. It's colder in England than Brazil. I recomend it.

  3. Felipe Romario Gonçalves de Freitas
    terça e quinta -7:00/8:00

    I liked very many of book because is a story of horror.The book was A Haunted house, a ghost story.It has witch too much.I don´t believe in ghost but two french reporters decided get in house misterious.There were bats and after heard strangers voices crying for help, noise of enourmes wing crossing room .A few minutes later candle lights again. A haunted house has too many people .the witch are naughty and ugly.
